Kallis Sakka
Timeline Events
He was born in the town of Lysi1, Famagusta district, on December 8, 1931.
He was killed on August 23, 1958 near Lysi, in an ambush set up by British soldiers.
Kallis Sakka finished the primary school of Lysi and was a farmer. At the same time, he also practiced his father's profession, weaving sacks and helping his disabled father to support his siblings.
He became involved in EOKA from the beginning of the struggle and took on the printing of leaflets, also having the responsibility of hiding the polygraph. Later, he was also assigned the responsibility of hiding the weapons of EOKA Lysi. Due to the seriousness of the task assigned to him, his involvement in other activities was limited.
“On the night of August 23, 1958,” recounts his fellow fighter Panagis Larkou, “we had to transfer the weapons of Lysi to a safer place, following the arrest of two of our EOKA members who knew where they were hidden. This was a general order from Digenis. We were divided into two groups. In one group, I and the hero Michael Kaili were on the guerrilla side. Kallis and the hero Dimitrakis Anastasi were also with us, in whose orchard we would hide the weapons. We had everything, weapons, grenades and ammunition, loaded on two bicycles and we pushed them through the fields. The night was moonlit. English soldiers were lurking hidden in the shade of two trees. They attacked us at close range. Only Sialos and I were holding weapons. They threw us and we threw them. It was a matter of seconds. Sialos managed to use one of his grenades. The other was later found in his hand. How I managed to escape through the torrential fire of the English soldiers was a matter of luck. Along with my three comrades who were killed on the spot, five English soldiers were also killed and another was wounded.