Andreas Georgiou - Dierona

Andreas Georgiou - Dierona Image

Timeline Events

  • 1939
    Birth of hero

    He was born in the village of Dierona, Limassol province, in 1939.

  • 27-09-1955
    Death of hero

    He was killed on September 27, 1955 in Limassol by British soldiers during demonstrations.

Andreas Georgiou - Dierona

Limassol Student Underage


He was born in the village of Dierona1, Limassol province, in 1939.

He was killed on September 27, 1955 in Limassol2 by British soldiers during demonstrations.

Andreas Georgiou attended Dieronas primary school and was an oil painter. Shortly after the start of the Struggle, and specifically during the quarter of July-August-September 1955, the youth, charged with patriotic enthusiasm, faced the security forces with stones, sticks, irons and whatever else could be found in mass demonstrations. The aim of the demonstrations was to demonstrate to the occupier that the struggle was universal and the entire Cypriot people would face the British with all the means at their disposal.

In a large militant demonstration that took place in Limassol, on September 27, 1955, Andreas Georgiou was in the vanguard. The demonstration started from the center of Gladstonos Street3 and the demonstrators, who were constantly thickening, spilled out to the west towards Tzamouda4, to the east to the Oasis center, while to the south they flooded the Heroes5 – Old Hospital squares. At some point, Andreas broke away from the stream of demonstrators and the soldiers fatally shot him.

He was the first dead of the struggle in Limassol.

In retaliation for the murder of the sixteen-year-old Andreas, Digenis ordered the execution of the English agent Holloway, chief engineer of the Amiantos mine, who, in addition to his work, also took over the secret services of the British in the area and organized espionage networks in the villages of the area, with the cooperation of the army and the police.

The order given by the Chief was for the rebels to leave the following note at the attack site:

“ EOKA punishes the brazen murder of Andreas Georgiou ”

The order was executed two days later resulting in the critical injury of the English agent.


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