Andreas Dimitriou

Timeline Events
Born in the village of Agios Mamas1, Limassol district, on September 18, 1934.
Hanged on May 10, 1956 at Nicosia Central Prison2.
Andreas Dimitriou studied for three years at the Gymnasium of Famagusta. He initially worked in an explosives and hunting supplies store and later in the British army. He was Secretary of the Porters' Guild of the Greek Orthodox Church in Famagusta. He was distinguished for his hard work, initiative and conscientiousness. He was one of the first to join the EOKA force and acted with the Famagusta groups, expanding his participation to the executive branch.
His mind was constantly concocting ways to develop activity. The culmination of his action was the seizure of weapons from the military warehouses of the port of Famagusta3, in early December 1955, immediately after they were unloaded and before they were transported and arranged. The weapons were forwarded to various guerrilla groups, which until then had been equipped almost only with hunting rifles. Digenis expressed his complete satisfaction with this action.
After his attempt to execute the English agent Taylor, whom he wounded, Andreas found himself confronted by armed soldiers guarding Taylor. He pointed his gun at them, but it jammed and the soldiers arrested him, after wounding him. He was sentenced to death and together with Michalakis Karaolis they were the first to be hanged.
“ My only regret is that I will not live to see our Cyprus free ”
his last words to his mother, a few hours before his hanging
“Good luck, my son, and have courage until the end”, was her response.