Christakis Vyzakos

Christakis Vyzakos
Christakis Vyzakos was born in Athienou on June 29, 1948.
In June and July 1958, the Turkish Cypriots of TMT, on the occasion of the bomb blast at the Press and Information Office of the Turkish consulate in Nicosia, which they had placed themselves, but had attributed this act to E.O.Κ.Α., Carried out a series of massacres and attacks against Greek Cypriots and their properties. Ten-year-old Christakis Vyzakos was also their victim.
On July 10, 1958, Christakis accompanied Nikos Kailas, who had led his own flock and the flock of Christakis’s father, to an area near the Turkish Cypriot village of Agia. In the afternoon, seven young Turkish Cypriots approached them. They killed little Christakis, seriously injured Nikos and left thinking that they had killed him too.
Nikos, after the escape of the murderers, lifted Christakis on his shoulders and ran to Athienou, where he announced the tragic event.